#12.430.494 is the death certificate code of a tree in São Paulo, Brazil.
The video follows the felling of the tree, a Guapuruvu native tree of the Brazilian Mata Atlantica forest …
#12.430.494, 2017

#12.430.494 is the death certificate code of a tree in São Paulo, Brazil.
The video follows the felling of the tree, a Guapuruvu native tree of the Brazilian Mata Atlantica forest …
In the Falecimentos series, the artist Francesco Di Tillo presents a series of photographs of objects for sale at events known as “Familia vende tudo” [Family sells everything].
Totem is a processuale installation with trash debris produced by other artists. Paper, cardboard, bubble wrap, packaging, wood, metal and other production materials were collected and accumulated in the defined exhibition space.
The work establishes a new type of dialogue with artistic production and its representatives.
Totem was designed to be adaptable to exhibitions and collective events.