Born in Campobasso, Italy, 1984
Lives and works in Bologna, Italy
|| Education ||
2014 Programm for Artists and Curators Escola São Paulo (PIESP), directed by Adriano Pedrosa, São Paulo, Brazil
2008 M.A., Economy of Culture, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy
2007 B.A., Fine Arts, Bologna Accademy of Fine Arts, Bologna, Italy
2006 B.A., Erasmus Project, Universität der Künste (UDK), Berlin, Germany
|| Solo exhibitions ||
OGGI COME OGGI, at Galleria Gino Marotta – Aratro, Molise University, Campobasso, curated by Piernicola Di Iorio and Lorenzo Canova
REMOTO – a pesar de todo, at Galeria Metropolita, Santiago de Chile, project realized thanks to the support of the Italian Council (10th edition, 2021) a programme fostering the international promotion of Italian art as part of the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture, to the cultural partners Centex-Centro de Extensión del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio di Valparaiso e Escola de Arte, Faculdad de Artes, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile de Santiago and the collaboration of NOS Visual Arts Production.
Monumento ai Caduti, at Muséé de l’OHM, Medieval Museum of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, curated by Carmen Lorenzetti. Read the press release (en/it)
Anomos, Ponto Aurora, São Paulo, Brazil. Read the press release (pt)
Falecimentos, Programa Nova Fotografia 2013, Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS), São Paulo, Brazil
Death Brokering, 16BeaverGroup, New York
Another Gap in the Wall, Gum Studio, Carrara, Italy, curated by Gaia Pasi
Personal Training, OpenLab Gallery, Genoa, Italy
Analisi 1, Galleria 64, Baricella, Italy, curated by N. Ciaccia. Read the press release on Exibart.it (it)
|| Group Exhibitions ||
Oltre il blu, Via del Pratello e Centro Sociale della Pace, Bologna, Italy, curated by Tatiana Basso e Serendippo, in collaboration with Amanecer Association and Pratello R’esiste
CRONACHE,Villa Davia, Borgo di Colle Ameno, Sasso Marconi, Italy
Punto zero. Identità sospese, 54° Premio Vasto, Vasto, Italy
Forme di discontinuità, Villa Davia, Borgo di Colle Ameno, Sasso Marconi, Italy
Project Room | Territori, Museo Temporaneo Navile, Bologna, Italy
NoPlace#4, Santo Stefano di Magra, Italy
After Festival – Moving Bodies and Live Art Festival, Teatro Espace, Turin, Italy, curated by Francesca Arri and Ambra G. Bergamasco
Terrace, Teatro Comunale, Bologna, Italy
Mostra do Condô, Condôminio Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
Corte Preliminar, Galeria Recorte, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Lucas Ribeiro and Julie Dumont
Exposição PIESP 2013-2014, Casa do Povo, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Tomás Toledo
Taipa-tapume, Galeria Leme, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Tomás Toledo
Oração, Multimidia em Foco at 9º Paraty em Foco, Paraty, Brazil
.Aurora:, Ponto Aurora, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Claudia Afonso and Camila Fialho
Surprise 397, Atelier 397, São Paulo, Brazil
Hic et Nunc, PARTE Contemporary Art Fair, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil
Stracrepaccio Paradise, Il Crepaccio, Milan, Italy, curated by Marcello Maloberti
Artes e Ofícios 1, Liceu de Artes e Ofícios, São Paulo, Brazil
Laço, Paço Das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil
Cidades Contínuas – Prólogo, Condomínio Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil, curated by Coletivo Parênteses
Death Brokering. A memorial, ZOOM Festival, Teatro Studio, Scandicci, Italy, curated by Giancarlo Cauteruccio e Pietro Gaglianò
Prove Generali, performance for MADEINFILANDIA 2011, Pieve a Presciano, Italy. Catalogue
Open Space 1 – La dimensione umana del contemporaneo, VII Giornata del Contemporaneo (AMACI), National Gallery of Cosenza, Italy, curated by Fabio de Chirico, Carmelo Cipriani, Giovanni Viceconte. Catalogue. Read the press release on Exibart.it (it)
The Wall, Nosadelladue, Bologna, Italy, curated by Pietro Gaglianò
The Wall, ReloadRoma, Italy, curated by Pietro Gaglianò
Relational Landscape, Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna, Italy, curated by Lelio Aiello with Bianco-Valente
Videodrome, Fabbrica delle Candele, Forlì, Italy, curated by Rosalba Paiano. Catalogue
The Difference, Minganti Center, Bit Art Gallery London, Bologna, Italy, collateral exhibition of Arte Fiera-Art First, curated by Piero Deggiovanni. Catalogue. Read the press release on Exibart.it
Networking 09–Back to the Present, Palazzo Chianini-Vincenzi, Arezzo, Italy, curated by Elisa Del Prete. Catalogue
One, One and Crack, Festival IO Project, Macchiagodena, Italy, curated by Agapito Di Pilla
VideoArtYearBook 09, Chiostro Santa Cristina, Bologna, Italy, curated by Renato Barilli, Alessandra Borgogelli, Silvia Grandi, Fabiola Naldi, Paolo Granata
Back To Front, Via Brunetti Project Space, Rome, Italy, curated by Gaia Pasi
Playground, Lugano, Switzerland, curated by M. Bertozzi. Catalogue. Read the press release (IT)
GeneratiOn80, Palazzo del Tribunale di Pistoia, Italy, curated by N. Bonechi e G. Tosi. Catalogue
GeneratiOn80, Galleria ModenArte, Venezia, Italy, collateral exhibition of 53° Venice Biennal, curated by N. Bonechi, G. Tosi. Catalogue
10/09/08, Proposte XXIII, Accademy of Fine Arts of Turin, Turin, Italy, curated by a.titolo. Catalogue. Read the press release (it)
Colossi Nascosti – Festival Iceberg, TamaTete Gallery, Bologna, Italy, selection curated by Roberto Daolio, Gianfranco Maraniello, Gino Giannuizzi. Catalogue.
Nuovi, Bertolt Brecht Cultural Center, Milan, Italy
Contraction, Galerie Danziker, Berlin, Germany
Neue Werke, UDK Berlin, Germany
Epi-demia, at Palazzo Nuovo, Turin, Italy. Catalogue
Premio Zucchelli, at Galleria Guidi, Accademy of Fine Arts of Bologna, Italy, curated by Roberto Lenzini, Sandro Sproccati
|| Art Residencies ||
2022 REMOTO, Galeria Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile, project realized thanks to the support of the Italian Council (10th edition, 2021) a programme fostering the international promotion of Italian art as part of the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture
2020 Capital Project, Borgo di Colle Ameno, Sasso Marconi (BO)
2019 Contemporary Art Museum of Montenegro, Podgorica, for the European Program MONET – Culture in MOtion in Adriatic NETwork of Museums
2018 Apulia Land Art Residency Festival, curated by Carmelo Cipriani, Alberobello, Italy
2017 Apulia Land Art Residency Festival, curated by Helia Hamedami, Margherita di Savoia, Italy
2010 Work.lab 2010, with Bianco-Valente, Robot Festival, Bologna, Italy
2009 Back to the present, with Luchezar Boyadjiev, Palazzo Chianini-Vincenzi, Arezzo, Italy
2008 From Metaphisic to Hammer, with Massimo Bartolini, Accademy of Fine Arts, Turin, Italy