24'50 "color film and dolby surround sound
The film has already been screened
Saturday, november 18th, 2023, h 5.00 pm
\\ Associazione Nazionale Museo del Cinema – Centro Studio Regis, Torino, Italy
Saturday, november 11th, 2023, h 6.00 pm
\\ MACTE, Termoli, Italy
Thursday, June 8, 2023, h 6.30 pm
\\ MAMbo, Bologna, Italy
Saturday, October 22, 2022, h 7 pm
\\ Galeria Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile
Wednesday, October 19, 2022, h 7 pm
\\ Casa de la Cultura Illapel, Chile
Tuesday, October 18, 2022, h 7 pm
\\ Estudio Simbiotika, Talca, Chile
Thursday, October 13, 2022, h 6 pm
\\ IABsp – Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil, Departamento de São Paulo, Brazil
Friday, October 7, 2022, h 4 pm
\\ CENTEX (Auditorium) – Centro de Extensión del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio de Chile, Valparaiso, Chile
The following film is part of the REMOTO Project, made with the support of the Italian Council (X edition, 2021) / program for the international promotion of Italian art of the General Direction of Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture, and promoted by Galeria Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile.