REMOTO is a research project by Francesco Di Tillo which started from the invitation for an artistic residence by Galeria Metropolitana, historical independent space in Santiago de Chile. The project is realized thanks to the support of the Italian Council (10th edition, 2021) a programm fostering the international promotion of Italian art as part of the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture, to the cultural partners Centex-Centro de Extensión del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio di Valparaiso e Escola de Arte, Faculdad de Artes, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile de Santiago and the collaboration of NOS Visual Arts Production.
REMOTO investigates seismic events as a metaphor of the motions and dynamics of the contemporary human being in response to the current difficult relationship between human societies and Nature. In their much-discussed unpredictability seismic movements challenge man’s aptitude to adapt, making the vigour of Nature resound. The harmful impacts of an earthquake can compromise the very stability of the human society: triggering a direct connection with the most irrational part of the human being the quake questions our ability to capture and control the reality.
A bad earthquake at once destroys our oldest associations: the earth, the very emblem of solidity, has moved beneath our feet like a thin crust over a fluid; – one second of time has created in the mind a strange idea of insecurity, which hours of reflection would not have produced.
Charles Darwin, 20 February1835, Voyage of the Beagle
While adopting different media (installation, sculpture, video and photography) in his investigation the artist always starts from an attention to the material and to the vital processes that form and transform it. The curator Marcello Tedesco writes “For Di Tillo, the strictly sculptural processes will become more and more part of life, freeing themselves from a reductionist vision of thought, to move towards a new dimension of the creative fact”. The earthquake and the Chilean context, which has a familiar relationship with it, give rise to a dialectic that now permeates the local culture, acting as a connecting element with the original peoples of that area and, at the same time, becoming a metaphor for the unstable balance in which today’s global society is confronted, always poised between the condition of victim and executioner.
Starting from Santiago the artist will explore territories and communities during a journey that will be documented in a multifaceted logbook where interviews, film and photographic notes, artistic interventions, will be brought into dialogue, while the final exhibition at Galeria Metropolitana, scheduled for October 2022, will offer the occasion to share the research. REMOTO will also be a publication that the artist will develop by maintaining a constant dialogue with Italy thanks to the collaboration with the curators Elisa Del Prete and Silvia Litardi (NOS Visual Arts Production).
The cultural partners Centex-Centro de Extensión del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio di Valparaiso e Escola de Arte, Faculdad de Artes, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile di Santiago, will welcome talks and in-depth activities.

Pick up the shocks of REMOTO // Follow REMOTO on whatsapp (ENG)
Capta los temblores de REMOTO // Sigue REMOTO en whatsapp (ESP)
Capta le scosse di REMOTO // Segui REMOTO su whatsapp (ITA)
\\ Solo Exhibition
1 - 22 October 2022 \
Galeria Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile (Chile)
Along with the exhibition, the outcome of the residency is the volume REMOTO a publication in which multifarious materials, interviews, filmic and photographic notes, artistic interventions and the dialogue that took place between the artist, Elisa Del Prete and Silvia Litardi during the last year’s research between Italy and Chile will be released on October 22 on the occasion of the finissage of the exhibition. The entire project will also be presented on October 5 at an artist’s action realized in collaboration with the Facultad de Artes / Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago de Chile and on October 7 at CENTEX (Auditorium) – Centro de Extensión del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio de Chile in Valparaiso.
\\ Public Program
Wednesday, October 5 - h 4:30 pm \
Facultad de Artes, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile
Action featuring 10 students from the Facultad de Artes. In one of the gathering plazas within the university campus, the performers will suddenly surprise the audience by performing simple body movements and using a specific sequence of breathing that becomes more and more pressing until the performers themselves enter a phase of hyperventilation, similar to what is practiced by millennia-old yogic experiences, until exhaustion, or reaching an altered state of consciousness. Only contact with the earth will bring back control over the body, but of an energy scenario that will be completely changed.
Friday, October 7 - h 4 pm \
CENTEX (Auditorium) - Centro de Extensión del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio de Chile, Valparaiso
The first opportunity to present REMOTO – Más allá de toda duda razonable the film work made by the artist following a long direct experience in Chile between 2015 and 2022: happenings, dialogues, still images and archival documents alternate between intimate narratives and broader visions of the Pacific Ocean that continually question, not only through the voices of the protagonists, the apparent stability and mania for control over creation that human beings today believe they possess. A portrait that Di Tillo makes of the earthquake, without punctual and chronological references to a specific seismic event, with the intention of shifting attention away from the more dramatic condition of instability, destruction, death and reconstruction that an earthquake brings with it and directing the gaze toward the potential semantic openness to which these upheavals land.
With the presence of: Luis Alarcón and Ana María Saavedra (founders and directors of Galeria Metropolitana in Santiago), Lorenza Aillapan (Mapuche artist and theater performer), Cristian Vargas (art historian and independent researcher), Irene Magaña (Director of the Psychology Department at the University of Chile, relative of Leopoldo Castedo), and Francesco Di Tillo (artist).
Thursday, October 13 - h 6 pm \
IABsp - Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil, Departamento de São Paulo, Brazil
Presentation of the film and the REMOTO project with: Marcelo Ignatios (architect, urban planner and IABsp secretary general), Gustavo Torrezan (artist, researcher, educator) and Francesco Di Tillo (artist).
Saturday, October 22 - h 7 pm \
Galeria Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile
Exhibition finissage, film screening and presentation of the publication collecting the REMOTO project.
Residency program at
Galeria Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile
Supported by
Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture, under the Italian Council Programme (10th edition, 2021)
Cultural partners
Centex-Centro de Extensión del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, Valparaiso
Escola de Arte, Faculdad de Artes, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago
In collaboration with
NOS Visual Arts Production
Galeria Metropolitana
IG. @galeriametropolitana
NOS Visual Arts Production
IG. @nos_visual_arts_production