Viva, 2019 | sculpture -
Earth, compost, clay, lime, roots and spontaneous plants

The latest series of Francesco’s sculptures go, in my opinion, in the most coherent direction that the language and the sculptural environment will present in the future. Sculpture will progressively free itself from the superstition of considering its sphere of relevance only to the manufacture of objects. Rather, the strictly sculptural processes will be inserted more and more into the realm of life, breaking free from a reductionist vision of thought, to move towards an unprecedented dimension of the creative fact.

The most interesting intuition of these works by Francesco is to make the plastic action coincide with the creation of a real organism. We could say that sculpture is the result of a profound understanding of the laws that underlie life: one of his sculptures is not by chance called “Viva”. This desire to enter into life processes and from these to start a new sculptural vision seems to me to be something remarkable and worthy of attention.

text by Marcello Tedesco, artist and Director of mtn | Museo Temporaneo Navile, Bologna

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